Journey Genetic Testing 1-855-362-5224

Thinking Of Buying A Walgreens DNA Test?

Please Read This First.

A Walgreens DNA Test appears at first to be a cheap DNA test. What you might not realize is that when you buy a drugstore DNA test, it’s not as cheap as you may think. You will end up paying more money than just the cost of the kit. You would be able to get one of our DNA tests, and order it online, for a lot less money. 

Walgreens Pharmacy gives you a choice of Identigene® or Home DNA® DNA test kits. These two kits, with different names, are from the same company (owned by DNA Diagnostics/DDC) with just different labels. When you first pick up the box, it looks like a cheap and easy choice.  Don’t be fooled! What you are getting is a box with two envelopes, and some cotton mouth swabs.

What’s NOT Included In A Walgreens DNA Test

Laboratory processing fees are not included when you buy a DNA kit from Walgreens. The lab will not do your test until you have paid additional money to begin the lab analysis. Your DNA samples should be sent to the lab as fast as possible. However, if you want to send your DNA samples overnight, that cost will be also be an additional fee. Overnight shipping usually costs as much as you pay for the drugstore kit itself.

To show you what we are talking about, below is a recent screen shot showing that everything is not included.

Walgreens DNA Test Kit

Journey Genetic Testing wants to make DNA testing as easy and low-cost as possible. That’s why our DNA test kits include free priority shipping both ways. We also include all lab processing costs, and no extra surprise fee for a copy of your results. Your results will be ready in just 1–2 days, and are guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

Test kits found in a Walgreens drugstore are for personal knowledge, also called curiosity paternity tests. And you can’t do other DNA tests you may need from this kit. If you are wanting to find a Walgreens sibling DNA test, it doesn’t exist. Other drugstore tests you won’t find are a Walgreens grandparent DNA test, an aunt or uncle DNA test, or a Twin Zygosity test. A Walgreens Pharmacy DNA kit appears to save costs up front. However, when you compare “apples to apples”, you will find they are not the most accurate or affordable choice.

Walgreens DNA Test Kit – How Does It Work?

Remember, what you are getting from Walgreens is a only a boxed DNA collection kit. When you check out, the cashier or pharmacy techs will be aware that you are purchasing a paternity test. This means you will not be able to do the test with total privacy, so please keep that in mind. The box does includes the mouth swabs you need to collect a DNA sample from yourself, and one other person, as well as authorization forms that are required for a paternity test (so you can not do the testing discreetly), and envelopes to put your swabs in.

The process involves taking a cheek swab from inside the mouth. Once you collect your sample, the kit will contain a shipping envelope or box for you to send your DNA to the testing lab. These may be pre-addressed for your convenience, but no overnight prepaid shipping is included to keep your DNA samples fresh. The kits require you to register the kit online before they can process it, so it’s recommended you do that before sending your sample to them. The lab processes the sample and then releases the results.

How Our DNA Test Kit Compares

When you are ready, and have your questions answered, you may purchase a Journey Genetic Testing DNA kit for whatever test you want to do. This can be done in private, online 24/7. Also, your payment card is never even seen by us, to ensure security and total privacy. Your DNA collection kit is included in the cost you pay for the test. There are no extra fees.

The DNA collection is by a mouth swab. It is painless and quick. Need to send something other than a mouth swab, like a toothbrush or hair? You can’t do that with a Walgreens DNA test. Need the option of doing testing without any kit arriving at your home? We can also help you with that. You can just choose our Make Your Own Kit option. You can learn more about that by clicking MYOK.

Our kits include priority USPS shipping to you and everything you need for the DNA collection. We also give you a prepaid overnight return label (USA addresses only for the prepaid return label). Remember, DNA samples should be sent to the lab as quickly as possible because it is important to keep them viable. Your testing will always be private, and if you are concerned, then you can us any name you want for the test reports. Since this is a private DNA test report, it is for your personal information and use only.

What if you have already purchased a Walgreens DNA test, or a DNA collection kit from another lab? We can still process your samples using the MYOK option above. If you live in the U.S.A. we will also provide you with a prepaid overnight label to return your samples to our lab.

When Do You Get Results With A Walgreens DNA Test?

DNA test results from Walgreens test kits generally have a much longer processing time than online DNA tests. The collection of cheek swabs literally take less than a minute, per person. The extended time is due to the processing method, with many different things involved in the length of time. Some of these are:

  • The USPS First class mail now takes 5-7 days to deliver, not counting Sundays or holidays. That’s a long time for DNA samples to be in route once they are put into the package to send to the lab.
  • You also have to factor in the registration of the kit. You have to set up an account, so your information isn’t private. After than then comes the laboratory processing time. If you have not registered your kit prior to sending it in you will need to do so by providing lots of private information. Many people don’t realize they have to pay additional fees, and then have to send their payment for lab fees, prior to testing. This means the DNA samples are still sitting and waiting to be tested. All of this can take additional time. Because these test kits may have a lower priority, your DNA specimens may not go right into testing. The reason we mention these things is because we have heard them many times from clients who have given up the drugstore kit process, and asked us to do their testing in a professional manner.
  • The time it takes to run the samples. Processing of samples from a drugstore kit, depending on the test, can take as long as 6 weeks before you get an answer as to what the lab has found.

Our Home DNA Test Results Are Ready In Just 1-2 Days

When you choose to have your DNA test done by us, we want work hard to make certain you have your results in the quickest time frame possible. You can order online 24/7 in total privacy. No driving to the store, no judgment from the cashier or pharmacy aide, when you check out. Your kit is shipped USPS Priority mail in a non-descript envelope, All collection materials needed are included in our test kits, There are no additional lab processing fees to pay. We also include a prepaid overnight FedEx label for returning your samples to us.

If you need to test someone who does not live close, we can send a second kit to them with the same overnight mailer, which you can’t do with a drugstore DNA kit. You don’t need to register our kit, just collect the mouths swab and return them to the lab. Once all DNA samples have been received we will have your results in 1-2 business days, depending on the test. Our process is more private, secure, and faster than a Walgreens DNA kit. If you want to order a DNA test kit from us just go to Order A DNA Test now.

How Much Is a Walgreens DNA Test?

Costs for a DNA test at a Walgreens may vary. You should always keep in mind that the price you are paying is just for the collection kit itself. In most cases, As we have explained, processing and lab fees are extra, and will be considerably more expensive than the kits. When deciding if you want to purchase one, be sure to consider all the additional costs.

Right now, Walgreens is selling only one DNA test which is for paternity only and costs $26.99, plus a lab fee of $139.00. This is from HomeDNA (formerly IDENTIGENE). Both HomeDNA and IDENTIGENE are owned by DNA Diagnostics, which is now owned by Eurofins. This kit requires a cheek swab from both the child and the possible father. Consent forms are required.

No DNA sample collected with a home DNA kit will not be admissible in court . If you need a paternity test for court or other reasons, there is a specific process that is required having a trained DNA collector and chain of custody involved. If you buy a Walgreens DNA test kit, even if you go to a professional collector, it cannot be used. This is due to AABB regulations that a DNA kit, or supplies, can never be in the possession of the person taking the test, or a family member.

New York State residents are not allowed to use a Walgreens DNA kit, even for if it is only for personal knowledge.

How Much Are Our DNA Tests?

Journey Genetic Testing offers many other DNA testing options compared to Walgreens, which means the cost of each test may be different. Our prices for testing are low, the number of genetic markers we test is much higher (up to 46 markers if needed), and we guarantee your results to be 100% accurate. Here is the current cost of our testing. If you want to know more, just click on the test you are interested in and you will be taken to an information page about that test.

Type Of TestWalgreens CostOur Cost
Paternity Test$29.99 + $139 lab fee$109
Maternity TestNot available$119
Sibling DNA TestNot available$129
Grandparent DNA TestNot available$129
Aunt/Uncle DNA TestNot available$129
Identical Twin DNA TestNot available$109

Which DNA Test Option Is The Best For You?

Remember that you might think it is cheaper and easier to get a DNA test kit from a local Walgreens drugstores but before you do just think:

  • Walgreens DNA Tests are more much more expensive –  lab fees are not included in the kits which can be a lot more expensive.
  • All you are getting with a DNA test kit from Walgreens is a box with swab and some envelopes. Is this really worth the cost?
  • We pay for USPS priority shipping of your kit and we pay for your DNA specimens to be overnighted to the laboratory.
  • A Walgreens drugstore DNA kit can only be used for paternity test, without any guarantee of accuracy.
  • Our DNA tests are tested twice, and then finalized in just 1-2 business days. Your results are emailed the same day the results are completed.

Click here to learn about all the DNA tests we offer, all guaranteed to be 100% accurate.