Journey Genetic Testing 1-855-362-5224

DNA Testing In Alaska

Journey Genetic Testing provides the most accurate, the most trusted, and the most affordable, direct-to-consumer DNA testing in Alaska. We guarantee 100% accuracy in your DNA results.

Alaska Paternity Testing

We’re experts in a specific type of DNA testing in Alaska that gives our clients comfort in knowing the truth. We can also do legal DNA testing for any legal reason, when needed. Likewise, we focus only on paternity and family connection tests. The reason is that tests for ancestry and health issues aren’t always 100% accurate.

In fact, we often provide services after someone gets an ancestry report saying they have found a possible long-lost relative. Almost 50% of the time, when taking our accredited tests, they find they can not possibly be related. When concerns are raised about household relationships, they do not normally disappear till the fact is exposed. Understanding this, and assisting you through this time, is why we are here.

Various states have rules about the kinds of DNA tests available in direct-to-consumer testing. In Alaska, we offer DNA testing that’s approved for use here. We think everyone should have the choice that suits them. We also respect the laws that decide which tests can be performed.

If you are considering confirming paternity in Alaska with a legally admissible DNA test, it is always best to be aware of the statutes governing paternity. An approved Alaska at-home DNA test, while not usually able to be used in court, will still give you a 100% accurate answer regarding the relationship you are testing for.

Options For DNA Testing In Alaska

Please click DNA Tests We Offer to view the tests we offer in your state,

Alaska Paternity Law

The following information about Alaska paternity laws is provided as general information only. Journey Genetic Testing does not provide legal advice or representation. We encourage you to research your state laws for the most current information, or contact a family law attorney.

Read Alaska’s paternity laws

Alaska Paternity Law: Section 25.20.05

a) A child born out of wedlock is legitimated and considered the heir of the putative parent when:

  • (1) the putative parent subsequently marries the undisputed parent of the child;
  • (2) the putative parent acknowledges, in writing, being a parent of the child; or
  • (3) the putative parent is judged by a superior court, upon sufficient evidence, to be a parent of the child. Acceptable evidence includes, but is not limited to, evidence that the putative parent’s conduct and bearing toward the child, either by word or act, indicates that the child is the child of the putative parent. That conduct may be construed by the court to constitute evidence of parentage. When indefinite, ambiguous, or uncertain terms are used, the court may use extrinsic evidence to show the putative parent’s intent.

(b) The Bureau of Vital Statistics, as custodian of the original certificates of birth of all persons born in the state, is designated as the depository for such acknowledgment and adjudication. The acknowledgment or adjudication shall be forwarded to the bureau in accordance with appropriate regulations of the bureau, and shall be noted on and filed with the corresponding original certificate of birth.

(c) In case of the birth in this state of a child out of wedlock and the legitimation of the child in accordance with this section, at the written request of the parents, or either of them or of the legal guardian, or of the person when of legal age, the Bureau of Vital Statistics shall prepare and place on file a substitute birth certificate, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the bureau pertaining to new certificates of this type.

(d) The results of a blood test, tissue-type test, protein comparison, or other scientifically accepted procedure shall be admitted and weighed in conjunction with other evidence in determining the statistical probability that the putative parent is a legal parent of the child in question. However, a scientifically accepted procedure that establishes a probability of parentage at 95 percent or higher creates a presumption of parentage that may be rebutted only by clear and convincing evidence.

(e) On request of a party in an action in which paternity is contested and to which the state is a party, the court shall order the mother, the child, and the putative father to submit to a blood test, tissue-type test, protein comparison, or other scientifically accepted procedure designed to determine the statistical probability that the putative parent is a legal parent of the child in question.

(f) If the child support enforcement agency is a party in an action in which paternity is contested, the agency shall request the court to order the tests and procedures described in (e) of this section. The agency may recover the costs of tests as a cost of the action, except that costs may not be recovered from a person who is a recipient of aid under AS 47.25.310 – 47.25.420 (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).

Required Probability of Paternity for Alaska Courts: 95%
Required Paternity Index: None

If you have specific legal questions or worries, it’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer. Relying only on what we say here is something you do at your own risk. We’re not responsible for any choices you make based on what we tell you. So, it’s a good rule to consult a lawyer when you need real help with legal issues. So, it’s a good rule to consult a lawyer when you need real help with legal issues.

How Can AABB Accredited DNA Testing In Alaska Help Me?

Questions about family often come up, whether it’s through DNA tests or family stories. These questions usually don’t go away until the truth is known. If there are doubts about family relationships, we’re here to help you understand and navigate these situations. We guarantee the results you will received are 100% accurate.

Our DNA Testing In Alaska Locations

Most of the time home DNA testing kits are enough to get the answers you’re looking for. Our home and legal testing kits give the same exact results. However, for legally accepted DNA test results in Alaska, you need a DNA collector who isn’t related to you and a complete chain of custody. We have more than 50 certified DNA collection centers in Alaska for legal testing, but it’s essential to make an appointment for legal testing.

We can set up DNA testing anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter where the people being tested are; we’ll assist in finding nearby DNA collection sites for everyone. We often arrange DNA tests for people in different cities or states.

Do you need a legal DNA test or a DNA test for immigration requirements? Journey Genetic Testing has DNA collection sites in, or near, most cities across Alaska. We can schedule an appointment for your collection, making it easy for you to reach from your home or office. When you order a legal DNA test from us, just list on the order when you want to have your DNA collected, and the zip code for each person. Need a different location or time for each person? No problem – we can do that for you!

See a list of locations in Alaska near a DNA collection cener
  • Anchorage
  • Autauga
  • Baldwin
  • Barbour
  • Bibb
  • Blount
  • Bullock
  • Butler
  • Calhoun
  • Chambers
  • Cherokee
  • Chilton
  • Choctaw
  • Clarke
  • Clay
  • Cleburne
  • Coffee
  • Colbert
  • Conecuh
  • Coosa
  • Covington
  • Crenshaw
  • Cullma
  • Dale
  • Dallas
  • DeKalb
  • Elmore
  • Escambia
  • Etowah
  • Fairbanks
  • Fayette
  • Franklin
  • Geneva
  • Greene
  • Hale
  • Henry
  • Houston
  • Jackson
  • Jefferson
  • Juneau
  • Ketchikan
  • Lamar
  • Lauderdale
  • Lawrence
  • Limestone
  • Lowndes
  • Macon
  • Madison
  • Marengo
  • Marion
  • Marshall
  • Mobile
  • Monroe
  • Montgomery
  • Montgomery
  • Nome
  • Perry
  • Pickens
  • Pike
  • Randolph
  • Russell
  • St. Clair
  • Shelby
  • Sumter
  • Talladega
  • Tallapoosa
  • Tuscaloosa
  • Walker
  • Washington
  • Wilcox
  • Winston

FAQs About DNA Testing In Alaska

Does Alaska Allow For Discreet Paternity Testing?

The cheek swab is the most common method of collection. Sometimes a test participant cant submit a sample because a family member is deceased, imprisoned or unavailable. For these reasons, we also offer forensic DNA processing services for other types of DNA samples, which are referred to as “non-standard samples.” Ear wax, hair (must have the root attached), discharge on a tissue, nail clippings, and toothbrushes are the most common forensic samples. A viability test is required on all non-standard samples, which requires an additional fee. For more information about the different items that can be tested, please click on NON-STANDARD DNA SAMPLES.

Unlike many locations outside of the U.S.A., almost all states will allow testing using non-standard samples. If you have a particular concern about this, please check the laws in your state.

What If One Of Us Lives In Alaska And The Other Person Lives In Another State?

A lot of test participants live too far apart to do the home DNA test using the same DNA kit. For these situations, we offer an option to have multiple collection kits shipped out. Simply choose the option for an additional address when you place your order. Upon selecting that option, we will send a second collection kit to the shipping address indicted for the additional kit(s). When your DNA samples and case information are received back in the lab, identical case numbers will link them together.

How Does A Alaska Authorized At Home DNA Test Work?

A home DNA test provides a cheap, private, simple, and 100% accurate method to determine relationships such as paternity, sibling, grandparents, and aunt/uncle. Having your home DNA test kit processed in a AABB accredited lab is important. The same protocols used for a legally binding DNA test in the privacy and comfort of your own home or office will be used for your home DNA test. Our home DNA paternity test can answer your biological questions privately, quickly and affordably.

The recognized and accepted process in Alaska for home paternity testing is very easy. People who take the home DNA test usually collect their DNA sample through a cheek swab, also called a buccal, swab. Rubbing the swab against the inside of the cheek painlessly collects the skin cells needed. Since we conduct two sets of tests on each buccal swab, there will be 4 swabs per person in your collection kit. Two swabs should be taken on each side of the mouth. Don’t smoke or drink coffee or tea for 3 hours before the collection, and rinse the mouth with water. When you’re done, just put the samples in the envelope we provide.

Do You Have An Alaska Approved DNA Collection Center Near Me?

Our home paternity DNA test provides privacy and peace of mind with the DNA collection done in the comfort of your home. We can send a home DNA kit to any address in Alaska including a P.O. Box. We ship USPS Priority and will provide you a tracking number when we send the kit(s).

If you need a legal paternity test for court or other legal reasons, we have 50 collection centers in Alaska. If you need to test someone in another state, for a legal result, we over 3,500 collection locations in the USA. We will do our best to set up your legal appointment at the collection center closest to your zip code. Learn more by clicking on LEGAL DNA TESTS.

What If I Need To Prove Paternity In Alaska But The Father Is Not Available?

Paternity tests always give a clear yes or no answer. If the father is unavailable, there are other DNA tests we offer to determine paternity.

For example, a sibling DNA test may be used to test for possible brothers and sisters. You can also perform a grandparent DNA test for the alleged grandparent and grandchild. The aunt/uncle avuncular DNA test with a full sibling of the alleged parent would also be convincing. You may also want to do a Y-DNA test if 2 men want to find out if they are related through the male line. This test is also always conclusive. If more than one paternal relative is available to participate in a DNA test, consider doing a family genetic reconstruction DNA test instead.

If you are not certain which choice is right for your situation, one of our Genetic Consultants would be glad to provide you help. Just give us a call at 1-855-362-5224.

Why Should I Use Journey Genetic Testing For My DNA Testing?

We offer the best home DNA test available in direct to consumer DNA testing. Our results are guaranteed to be 100% accurate. Our DNA test kits will provide you with the accurate answers you need about the biological relationship you are testing for.

We also offer the lowest price for a 24 marker paternity test from a AABB accredited paternity testing lab in the U.S.A. You can find a home DNA paternity test at CVS ®, Walgreens ®, Rite Aid ®, Target ®, and Walmart ® . And it may seem when you see these are a drug store, brands like Identigene ®, HomeDNA ® or Reveal ® paternity kits seem like a fairly cheap option.  Don’t be misled. All you are getting is a box that has instructions and swabs. You still have to pay a lab processing fee that runs up to an additional $139 after you pay for the kit (and tax). You will end up paying MUCH more with a drugstore DNA test.

You will also see a lot of different companies online selling home DNA test kits. It can be confusing when deciding which company you should choose. We believe, along with the thousands of satisfied clients we have served, that our 24 marker home DNA paternity test is a superior test. It is also far more accurate than the standard 16 marker paternity test offered by many competitors such as STK ® on Amazon ®, and PaternityDepot ®. Our corporate headquarters, and out testing lab, are located with the United States. Our parent lab is the largest, most reputable,  most accredited, and most trusted relational DNA paternity testing lab in the world. And finally, our at home paternity and relationship DNA test are less expensive that other companies offering lab direct prices, with results in just 1-2 days depending on the test.

Ordering A Home DNA Test In Alaska Is Quick, Easy, And Private

You Order – We Ship Right Away
Once we receive your paternity test order, we will ship priority a customized DNA collection kit (first kit free). We will provide you a tracking number for your kit. Unlike some DNA labs, we do not charge an extra fee to ship to Alaska. It doesn’t cost us more, so we won’t charge you more.

Collect And Return The DNA Samples:
 Painless cheek swabs are provided to collect the DNA. The collection per person takes less than a minute. Return the DNA to our laboratory using the prepaid overnight FedEx label we provide (U.S.A. addresses).

Our Lab Performs The Specimen Analysis:
Once all DNA samples are received in lab, the testing begins. We will notify you by email they have been received and give you a due date for your results.

We Deliver Your DNA Results:
We know you want these results quickly, so we will your DNA test results to the email address on file. If you also requested a printed copy of the results they will be sent priority within one business day of emailing your results, with a tracking number.